March 20, 2014

NASA found waves of liquid on the surface of the Saturn's moon, Titan

NASA waves of liquid

There's been a long hunt of searching water on other planets other than Earth and this is a good sign for the ones who were looking for that. NASA had found some waves of liquid over the surface of Titan, Saturn's moon.

Few years ago, a NASA spacecraft had spotted liquid sea on the Titan's surface and the scientists were excited. But it was not for long. It was later found to be dense methane and not water. The scientists continued working and observed the moon, dropping a bombshell. They've claimed to have found ripples of liquid waves on the surface of Titan which is a very good thing for the scientists.

“Titan may be beginning to stir. Oceanography is no longer just an Earth science. Don’t make your surfing plane reservation for Titan just yet.” - Ralph Lorenz, Astro-physicist  said

This indicates that the scientists are on further studies of the planets and moons for the search of water or anything. And recently two photographs of the moon's surface has been examined and found to be glass-like. They've also identified small waves on the surface that are 2cm high.


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