There are millions of websites in the world's digital network, the Internet. We all visit a lot of them every day for information, business, time-spending, for some fun and for a lot of purposes. Around 140,000 websites are being launched every day. All kinds of them. It is really sad when we see that most of those are real of no use which came off just to make money without even doing any good to the users. That is not we are going to look at. Today we are going to see 4 great websites with really good causes and purposes. They have really good reasons for their websites and I felt like I could share them here.
Websites for good causes
When you visit these websites, you will feel what we have. We kindly ask you to bookmark them and visit them whenever you can. Here, l us say that we are not in anyway related to the websites that we are about to list. They are just good things that we came across which we wanted you to see. So here they are listed below, in no particular order.1. can be simply titled as the greatest website of the class that it's on. We really love it for what it offers. Just go look at it, spend some time and read something, you will get really relaxed and it is not just it. Goodnet even has a directory named Good Directory with a list of websites/organizations in which you can find lots of websites which do good things. "The best apps and services for doing good" is what they list there. You will get really inspired and feel impulsive to participate in any good doing things.
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Apart from that, there is a Good TV which has many inspirational videos, Good Gallery where you can find few nice quotes. Let us say this and end here, this is not any other regular website offering quotes, motivational videos/images and all. At least for us. So consider spending some of your good time on this.
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Some of you may know this. The is a online petition signing service/platform which acts as a powerful tool for those who need their voice to reach the higher authorities/anyone who need to act in order to make a change that the one with thousands of others asked. has all kinds of petitions. With 70 million users from 196 countries, the platform helps in changing one's community into a better one. Why don't you just hit it and sign some petitions that you like, helping others? This one's just free and the more signature means more for the petitioner.
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This time it is for you, you can do good things for a cause with this. Crowdrise is a crowdfunder website that provides its users to get funds for a cause. In short and easy words as the website is, one can create fundraisers and ask for donations here by posting their need. You can either visit to donate them or ask for something yourself (if you have a good reason).
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Last but not the least, really! I really like this one. And if you are interested in games and if you want to do some good like donating to charity, THIS IS IT! is a brilliant idea of a gamer (not just a gamer anymore) Athene Wins which is a platform where game developers donate their games for a charity. Then gamers comes here and buys them for an amount which also goes to the same charity. He had already made several million U.S. dollars and donated it to charities like Save the Children and is still doing it. Please watch this video from him, for us!
The idea of this is both side, the game makers and the players donate their money for someone in need. At last, they have made a result proving that gaming is not totally a waste of time. And its also important to say that, the guy behind this doesn't take any money from the program for him, neither the developers.
How do you feel?
That's all we have. We hope you like this and we feel very happy as we did an article that is truly of great use. We feel like we accomplished something great because you know these websites now which are trying to make some good things to happen. We hope you'll tell about these websites to your friends an familes, just let them know. Let us know how you feel and your thoughts about this with your comments. We'll come with another good one soon.
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